Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

Combination pinyin consonant and vowel

Before i forget i want to tell you that there are another Chinese pinyin consonant, it's 'y' and 'w' for 'y' i''ll explain it this another consonant and i will combination all the Chinese pinyin consonant with Chinese pinyin vowel.

We read i(it's just like we say 'i' ini pinyin vowel but if in pinyin vowel 'i' we read so long sound but here we just read so light and no long sound ' )

We read u(it's just like we say 'u' ini pinyin vowel but if in pinyin vowel 'u' we read so long sound but here we just read so light and no long sound ')

Now we try to combination the pinyin
First we try it with b, p, m, f and combination with 'a'

'b' + 'a' = paa(remember it's just collaboration pinyin consonant and pinyin vowel so don't forget that formula)

'p' + 'a' = phaa(do not for get to spell it with wind blow from your mouth)

'm' + 'a' = maa(just like you say ma as usual)

'f' + 'a' = faa(same as u say fa for 'do re mi fa sol la si do'but make it little the sound long little)

Another session will discuss about another collaboration Chinese pinyin consonant and Chinese pinyin vowel

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