Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

pinyin consonant(2)

For the last session i gave some information about Chinese pinyin how to spell it correctly with the simple one. Now i will continue for the fifth line, i think there's a problem to learn with this Chinese pinyin. Because this pinyin little hard to study so i'll try explain as i can.

for the fifth line of the Chinese pinyin
'zh' we read "ce" (but remember this will make our tongue tired cause when we try to spell it our tongue move upper which touch to the top of our mouth cavity)

'ch' we read "che" (same like 'zh' but when we try to read it, sounds seems heavy and there's an air out of our mouth)

'sh' we read "she"(same like 'zh' but when we try to read it, sounds seems heavy and there's an air out of our mouth)

'r' we read "re"(same like 'zh' but when we try to spell it, our tongue vibrate not too strong just same as we speak 'r' in english )

For the beginner it will be hard, but we must try and try again. And suggest from me if you want to practice don't forget drink as much as you can because it'll be tired...trust me..

From all the Chinese pinyin i think fifth line and last line is more difficult than other Chinese pinyin. It takes time to make it correct and fluently to speak. I think to learn chinese mandarin especially for Chinese pinyin it will take 2 weeks until 1 month if you learn it everyday.

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